"RAF & IRIS" tells the story of a young and rebellious female Street Artist who struggles, trying to break into the competitive Art world. She meets an attractive woman, greedy for recognition, who helps her achieve her dream but also asks her to sell her soul for money.
"RAF & IRIS" is a fast-paced, energetic comedy-drama set in the competitive Street Art scene.
Raf, a young female street artist with a reputation for being a troublemaker teams up with Iris, a bored engaged young woman eager to express her creative side.
Together, Raf and Iris will take on the art landscape and its establishment, including its golden boy: the arrogant, eccentric and commercially viable, JAMES, while fighting for their originality and integrity.
Status: Pre-Production
Production Company: ART, LOVE & MONEY LLC
Filmmakers Websites Links:
Patrick LEVY - As a director & producer, his third feature film « KINGS OF THE NIGHT,» a comedy about the world of stripteases and the movie business won the award for "BEST NARRATIVE FEATURE" at the LOS ANGELES FILM & SCRIPT FESTIVAL.
Crystel AMSALEM - Her first feature film "WHEN ANGELS INTERFERE..." won the AWARD FOR BEST ACTOR (Alexandre Brasseur) at the PARIS FILM FESTIVAL. The film was also nominated in several festivals in New York, Boston, Melbourne, Palm Beach, Washington...
Previous shooting dates: 2022